Our Guarantee:

ConventionGuys.com proudly Guarantees that you will:

Learn the steps to making a lasting impression on your audience.
Add new techniques to strengthen your performance skills.
Enjoy direct access to some of the nation’s premiere children’s entertainers.
Network with a social community of like-minded individuals dedicated to all varieties of children’s entertainment.

Refund Policy:

If we receive your written cancellation prior to one month (30 days) before the convention, 50% of your registration will be refunded. After that time no refunds are given.

Tax Deduction

All expenses associated with continuing education taken to improve professional skills are tax deductible subject to the limitations set forth by the IRS. Please contact your accountant for details.

Code of Conduct for Participants and Attendees:

All events produced by ConventionGuys.com are family events, often with young and impressionable children present. Those attending anticipate a clean and family-orientated atmosphere. Vulgarity, obscenities, innuendos, and clothing displaying insulting or risqué wording and images will not be tolerated. We have folks from various political parties and ethnic backgrounds present. We expect all present to conduct themselves in a respectful manner.